Tran Duong Son



● Master of Management with distinction in Finance
● Degree-granting institution: Massey, New Zealand
● Major field of study: Management in Finance
▷ Country: New Zealand / Year conferred: 2013

Research Experience:

1. Research has Participated

● Cluster analysis and Firm Patterns on Earnings  Persistence: Evidence from Vietnam (2020)
● Consistent Net Present Value through different  perspectives: TIP vs. EPV. (2021)
● Astudy onthe effects of capital accesses on SMEs’success (2020)
● Reference book: Enterprise Management (2020)
● Translating the reference book: Project management in the 21“ century (2012)

2. Scientific Work Published

● Exploring the Determinants of  Working Capital Management: East Asian Emerging Financial Markets Markets (2019)

● Cluster Analysis: Firm Patterns and Earnings Persistence (2019)
● Cluster Analysis and Firm Patterns: A New Approach (2018)